Friday, May 30, 2008

Feeling Guilty...?

Guilt = Gilt (gold).
The only difference is ‘u’!!!

Guilt likes to resides within our golden area.

The area where, from within ourselves, we can recognize our true worth, our innate wisdom and our sovereignty.
It likes to disturb and question our self value.

It likes to elevate our levels of fear so that ego can keep control.

It likes to boil the pot of anger, resentment and blame.

Does it serve us to hold onto our guilty feelings for our perceived wrong doings?

Short doesn’t... so let it go!

Long answer... Guilt is a feeling.

Guilt resides with fear...fear of judgment, of being seen as ‘bad’ or as a lesser person.

(“Guilt is anything you did and fear others to know about” Author: Mohammad)

Feelings are communications and guidance from our higher self to our earthly self showing us areas within us for potential growth.

Feelings are the opportunity for the process of alchemy to turn lead into gold.

In the case of feelings of guilt we are being asked to firstly be aware where we have made an error of judgment and have chosen an action or deed that has not been in the higher interests of all (is one!).

We then have choices on how we will deal with things.
We may brush it off with statements like “I don’t care” “ He/She/They deserved it” etc etc... but this will surely just bury the feeling deeper for it to surface again at a later date or perhaps to manifest physically as illness and disease.


We can accept what has caused our guilty feelings. Truly and honestly accept the part we have played in creating these feelings.

We can own it and admit to it (most importantly to ourselves) and make amends for it if need be.
(“It is the confession, not the priest, that gives us absolution” Oscar Wilde )

and then move on....

Once we have done this we have taken 'u' out of guilt and turned it to gold!

From The Miriam Webster Online Dictionary:
Middle English, from past participle of gilden to gild
14th century

: covered with gold or gilt : of the color of gold

Middle English, delinquency, guilt, from Old English gylt delinquency
before 12th century

1: the fact of having committed a breach of conduct especially violating law and involving a penalty; broadly : guilty conduct
2 a: the state of one who has committed an offense especially consciously ,
b: feelings of culpability especially for imagined offenses or from a sense of inadequacy : self-reproach
3: a feeling of culpability for offenses


Anonymous said...

Your own perception of the present results from diverse experiences. If you choose to focus on some negative image from your past, you will reinforce beliefs you don't want. In order to dissolve guilt, you have to alter your beliefs or you won't move beyond the effects. We can all benefit in some way from restructuring our sense of the past. This isn't the same as lying or denying the truth. For if you feel guilt, you lie to yourself already. You selectively make aspects of your experiences invisible. To change your thoughts will alter your feelings, your focus and your life right now.

Leanne Lonergan said...

Thanks Liara,
Changing your thoughts about guilt and what it is can be very liberating.
Thanks for adding your wonderful insights. I really like what you said at the end of your comment here..."To change your thoughts will alter your feelings, your focus and your life right now" Perfect!

Waterrose said...

What a great dissection of two words. And, thought provoking. It's interesting that the word guilt came about before gilt. Makes one go hmmmm.

Moonchild Dancing! said...

Great post. It's been a mantra of mine for some time.. Guilt isin't Love. and Feel it, own it, heal it, release it and move forward. Love your post!


Leanne Lonergan said...

Thanks WaterRose and RainbowMom,
I am glad it has provoked some thought and I like your mantra RainbowMom!

Anonymous said...

Hi Leanne, great post and a beautiful blog. Guilt can be so crippling and emoralizing. Thank you for your comment on my New Energy blog.

Anonymous said...

oops, I meant demoralizing!

Leanne Lonergan said...

I do not in any way consider self prescribing of prescription drugs to be in any way suitable and could not possibly be called self help. I would suggest that it is more likely to cause self harm!Please do not spam this blog in future!