Monday, March 30, 2009

Low red levels? Some warning signs!

I would like to pose a few questions for you.....

- Can you get your mind out of the past and the future to be 'Here Now'?
- Are you feeling grounded in reality?
- Are you involved in life?
- Do you love life?
- Are you self reliant and able to stand on your own two feet?
- Can you cope with the demands of everyday life?
- Can you look after yourself?
- Are you organised?
- Are you self controlled?
- Are you fit, healthy and physically co-ordinated?
- Do you love your body and enjoy it's movement and sensations?
- Is your physical energy level high?
- Do you have confidence in your body?
- Are you physically intelligent?

If you get a few 'no' answers maybe you need to look at balancing your base chakra with some red!


lyptis said...

Awesome post, Love the red!

And i wud have to answer them all with YES!!:P

helena said...

this is a cool entry leanne! hmmmm i'd have to say i definitely love life and i'm pretty grounded...i just hope i'm on par with my intelligence lol!! xxx

hey you should do more colour entries! These are pretty interesting!

xxx said...

I would have to say that red is one of my favourite colours.
Certainly couldn't imagine my life without it.

Great post :-)

best wishes Ribbon

Anonymous said...

That's really interesting! I'm actually not a fan of red - I think I might need to inject more into my life!

Angelshair said...

Interestig post! I love red, and I think it might be because I need red:D))). I am someone too cool, and feel like without the energy of red, I would become too passive.

ArtNomadix said...

Hmmmmm Thanks for that ! Maybe that's what I need in my life right now ! RED
I remember years back someone gave me a red wrap/slip-on/thingy, and I said I don't wear red much, but I put a red hood onto it made from an olg mohair scarf, and I wore it all winter at my market stall, and felt so good when I had it on ! Thanks for jogging the old brain here lol.....Megg

Anne said...

I love red too!
Maybe I need a bit more of it?....


Just stopping and say hi!!!

Moonchild Dancing! said...

Oh how I love thee red. My favorite go to colour when things are not running as smoothly as I like them too. A moment in visualization and all is bright again! Lovely post. I like your little twitter tab.. how do I get me one of those?


love said...

organized, i am not lol. i guess i need more red

singamaraja said...

Singamaraja reading your blogs

Linda S. Socha said...

Awesome post and love the red...good advice!

michele said...

I think I need to balance my chakra with every color there is!